Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

“Why would you ever tell me not to keep the house?”

Divorcing women ask me all the time: “Why would you advise me not to keep the house, post-divorce??” I could write a book on this. I’ll spare you that much reading here. But I’ll give you the highlights, so you can make your own decision.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

How (and why) to instill optimism in your clients… early

What I’d like to discuss here is how you can—with, humbly, my help—bring more optimism to your clients. Sure, it’s great for them. But, arguably, it’s even better for you.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

What is a “G2 divorcee”? And why should you care?

In my wealth-management practice (Bridge Financial Strategies), I work with a lot of “G2s.” As a CPA, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional, and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional who helps women with the financial side of divorce, I periodically work with them as well. And so might you.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

I think my husband secretly has some expensive “hobbies.” Should I be concerned?

“I think my husband is spending a lot and not telling me. Is this cause for concern?” Short answer: Yes.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Financial case prep tips for trial vs. mediation

Let me start by stating the obvious: Aside from a few, super-aggressive, spotlight-loving, confrontation-seeking family-law attorneys (and you know who you are), nobody wants a divorce case to go to trial. As you’ll tell your clients, it’s the court, literally, of last resort.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Now that I’m divorcing, everyone’s giving me financial advice. Who should I trust?

This is another one of those I-see-it-every-day scenarios. Everyone you know—friends, family, co-workers, people from church—will be giving you advice regarding your divorce, including the financial side. Every one of them will be well-intentioned. They have your best interests at heart.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

What should you do when divorce hits you by surprise?

Are women ever blind-sided by the prospect of divorce? Unfortunately, yes. Certainly, no woman should ever get blind-sided by divorce. Aren’t there warning signs? And—topic of this article—if you get blind-sided, what should you do?

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Financial tips for high-asset divorce cases

Not every divorcing couple has millions of dollars in assets to divide. It’s called “the one percent” for a reason.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

How I became a team player (for you)

I help divorcing women. I help attorneys. How did I get into this? And how does this affect you?

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