Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Spot the Greedy Party

Greed can be corrupting. In this story, the greedy one wasn’t Jane. It wasn’t her former husband. It wasn’t her attorney. It was an insidious third party. Jane and her husband divorced after a 23-year marriage.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Flying Under the Radar

When we met Jane, she had already been divorced for several years. She became a tax client of ours. And we, unfortunately, were there when something hit Jane that had flown, stealthily, under her lawyer’s radar.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Climbing Out of the Hole (With Help)

There’s a side to our Jane Doe stories that you don’t see—and that’s a good thing. It amounts to “all of the financial challenges we help to take off of Jane’s plate... and thus yours.”

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Marginalizing Marginal Rates

Jane and her husband had been married for nearly 25 years when they decided to part ways. The kids were grown. Jane didn’t have a career to speak of: She just worked a part-time retail job.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Settling When You Shouldn’t

In most of our Jane Doe stories, we’re able to help out Jane—and her attorney. Sadly, that’s not the case here. It’s not because we were unable. It’s simply because we were never called in.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

The Financial Time Machine

Jane and her husband had been married for 18 years, and Jane still loved the man. But he was now severely incapacitated, due to a brain injury. He was unable to work, unable to make sound decisions, and living off Social Security disability income.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

The Case of the Missing Numbers

On the surface, everything looked normal: Jane’s soon-to-be ex-husband made a lot of money, with regular deposits into the couple’s joint bank account. Jane’s family-law attorney had plenty on her hands, dealing with the intricacies of legal decision-making for the couple’s two young children and division of assets.

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