Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Why Do I Work With Women?

But my specialty, my focus, is on women. Divorcing women. Why is that?

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Divorce Season vs. Tax Season

As a family-law attorney, you know all about divorce season. The new inquiries peak in January and February, year after year.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Good news and bad news from the state of Arizona

The state of Arizona recently created what you might call an “online alimony calculator.” There are two good things about this.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

New: AFI service

Seeing how often improperly-completed AFIs can frustrate attorneys like you, I’ve created an all-new service: I’ll help your divorcing-women clients complete their AFI, within one week of getting the supporting documents (bank and credit-card statements, etc.).

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

A woman on your side

It’s not fashionable to talk about gender differences these days, but 1) they exist, and 2) I’m going to talk about them.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Two years to sanity

It typically takes about two years to get over the death of a loved one. A divorce is similar. Whether you’d initiated the proceedings or were completely blind-sided, divorce marks the death of the marriage.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

The costliest-and most common-AFI errors

In this issue, I’d like to discuss the biggest, most common mistakes I see in “completed” AFIs. Fixing these, mind you, comes with lots of benefits for you.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Will my ex- get the money I inherited?

Money that you—or he—inherit is automatically classified as “separate” property. So is money that’s awarded to you from a lawsuit. So what’s yours is yours, and what’s his is his. Simple, right? Nope.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

I’ll help you invoice sooner

Oh. Have I got your attention? I thought that that headline would do it. Sure, it’s a bold claim. It’s also 100-percent true. Allow me to explain.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Are you over-taxing your clients?

This might seem like a silly question. “Are you over-taxing your clients?” You’re not a tax collector. You’re not the IRS. You’re a family-law attorney. And no, I’m not talking about “taxing” in the figurative sense, like “putting a burden on them.” I’m talking about good old-fashioned death-and-taxes taxes.

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