Women’s Divorce Blog

Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

“Can you take all these numbers off my plate for me?”

Divorcing women typically approach me with what you might call the Three Big Questions: What do we have? What do we owe? How much will I get?

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Divorce is just the beginning…

Well, that certainly sounds ominous, doesn’t it? “Divorce is just the beginning.” Of what? Something better? Something worse? It could, actually be either. It’s a choice. And it’s up to you.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

“What do you charge to handle my divorce?”

What do I charge for my services to help you navigate the financial side of divorce? How much will it cost you to get a pro?

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

“But the bank account is in his name!”

But the bank account is in his name! I hear this from divorcing women all the time, who feel not only powerless, but penniless. Good news: The mere title of the account means nothing in the eyes of Arizona divorce law. His name might be atop the bank account. But if you were married, it’s community property. Half of that is yours.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Plan for peace of mind

Plan for peace of mind: Because “what you can afford” needs to be defined. And defining it means “creating a plan.” Which is why the financial plan that I create with you is not carved in stone. We’ll revisit it, and update it, regularly, especially when you reach various financial milestones in your life. Don’t hope-and-pray.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

What are your options for stock options?

Executive compensation is complicated. When you’re divorcing from a man who’s been an executive, and is compensated accordingly, you really need a financial pro on your side. That would be me.

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Divorce Planning Checklist: How to Prepare Your Finances Ahead of Time

Divorce affects every aspect of your life from your day-to-day activities to your financial future. While any couple may experience divorce, people between the ages of 55 and 64, members of the military, and people in second marriages are at the highest risk.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

NPD redux

I recently wrote an entire article about men with narcissistic personality disorder or NPD.

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What Happens To Retirement Funds In A Divorce? What To Know And Plan For

What Happens To Retirement Funds In A Divorce? What To Know And Plan For

Almost no one plans their retirement with divorce in mind, but it happens. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that divorce rates are highest among people aged 55-64 — those just ready to retire.

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How to Avoid Going To Court When Getting Divorced

How to Avoid “Going to Court” When Getting Divorced

Most people getting divorced want to avoid going to Court. Technically, everyone must “go to court” in Arizona to get a divorce. But it’s really not court people want to avoid, it’s litigation. 

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