Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Certifiable (more than others!)

Many attorneys haven’t worked with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® before, and so they wonder: What’s the difference?

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The Roadmap To A New Beginning

The Roadmap to a New Beginning

Going through a divorce can be one of the most emotionally and financially trying times in your life. The best way to minimize the challenges on the horizon is to know what the process is ahead of you so that you can chart a roadmap to the beginning of the new chapter in your life.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

A cautionary tale

A cautionary tale In each of these articles, I tell you a story about how I help women with the financial side of divorce. That’s usually the case. This time, it isn’t.

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Are You Using Your Divorce Attorney Effectively

Are you using your divorce attorney effectively?

When my world came crashing down and I realized that I was headed down a road I had never traveled, the first thing I did was retain a divorce attorney.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Mediation Computation

Confession: I was looking up words that rhyme with “mediation” in my search for a title to this little article, in which I’m about to describe how I help divorcing women, and their attorneys, with the financial side of the process.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Can I help you grow your practice?

That’s a bold question: Can I help you grow your practice? It’s bold, because some attorneys assume the opposite, that I will somehow reduce their revenue or income.

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A House Divided

A House Divided

The latest research suggests that divorce rates in the U.S. have been falling in recent decades.

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Things You Need To Do To Financially Prepare For Divorce

Things you NEED to do to Financially Prepare for Divorce

Julie had the honor of being a guest for a second time on See the Upside Podcast! In this episode, Julie goes into more depth on how to prepare financially for a separation or divorce. Follow the link below to listen to the podcast!

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

After-the-fact facts

After-the-fact facts: Some family-law attorneys ask me if I help my clients after the divorce is finalized. The others should. It’s an important question.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

None of her business?

Listen to this one: I recently worked on a divorce case in which the separating couple had agreed to bring in a neutral business valuation analyst, to help ascertain what the husband’s business was worth, in order to craft an equitable settlement that would include spousal maintenance. That’s a smart, prudent, and commendable move.

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