Tag Archive for: #BridgeDivorce

Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Financial case prep tips for trial vs. mediation

Let me start by stating the obvious: Aside from a few, super-aggressive, spotlight-loving, confrontation-seeking family-law attorneys (and you know who you are), nobody wants a divorce case to go to trial. As you’ll tell your clients, it’s the court, literally, of last resort.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Now that I’m divorcing, everyone’s giving me financial advice. Who should I trust?

This is another one of those I-see-it-every-day scenarios. Everyone you know—friends, family, co-workers, people from church—will be giving you advice regarding your divorce, including the financial side. Every one of them will be well-intentioned. They have your best interests at heart.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

What should you do when divorce hits you by surprise?

Are women ever blind-sided by the prospect of divorce? Unfortunately, yes. Certainly, no woman should ever get blind-sided by divorce. Aren’t there warning signs? And—topic of this article—if you get blind-sided, what should you do?

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Financial tips for high-asset divorce cases

Not every divorcing couple has millions of dollars in assets to divide. It’s called “the one percent” for a reason.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

How I became a team player (for you)

I help divorcing women. I help attorneys. How did I get into this? And how does this affect you?

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Is your husband hiding money?

Is your husband hiding money? This is a common fear amojng women facing divorce.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

How to Avoid Divorce Burnout

As a family law attorney, you’ve chosen, as a career, an emotionally violent sport. Divorce is hard. It's challenging. You spend a good portion of your days seeing, and dealing with, people at their absolute worst. Unfortunately, they sometimes take it out on you.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

Is it too late to start talking about retirement?

Is it too late to start talking about retirement? Quick answer: No.

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Is retirement possible, post-divorce?

The special finances of divorce with special-needs children

If you’re facing divorce and have a special-needs child, this article is for you. Or if you know someone in that situation, this article is for them.

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Life Spans – Bridge Divorce Strategies Newsletter

Why Do I Work With Women?

But my specialty, my focus, is on women. Divorcing women. Why is that?

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