How I work with you

My job is to help you shine. Your clients turn to you for trusted, and desperately-needed, legal advice. They often assume that you’re a financial whiz, too—and thus can answer liability-laden questions about investments, retirement, and taxes.

With me and my team on your side, you look bigger. Better. More powerful. And I don’t take away from your fees; to the contrary, I help you grow your practice (read how, here).

And how many times has this happened to you: After the divorce is complete, you still get tons of calls from that previous client. Asking things like, “Where’s my check?” or “What do I do with this form I just got from the IRS?”

When you work with me, those time-wasters/liability-traps become a thing of the past.

A three-step process

The way I work with you and your clients is simple. First, we can meet at your office, my office, or virtually. And second, I employ a three-step process that briefly goes like this:

Identify your client’s financial situation

This is where I’ll work with you and your client to:

  • Prepare the Affidavit of Financial Information (AFI)
  • Analyze the other party’s AFI
  • Ensure the proper listing and valuation of all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses
  • Calculate child support
  • Determine whether and how much spousal support is appropriate
  • Build a case for an equitable asset split

Craft a plan for the financial future

Using the information we assemble from Step 1, my team and I will show how different settlement options could work out for your client, and help her to pick the one that best suits her needs. In mediation, it is invaluable to have me in attendance to instantly model various proposed settlements—including their tax implications—and see the outcome for your client. Having the hard numbers strengthens your negotiating stance.

We also look to the future, helping your client to plan for her financial security. So we’ll show her what she can expect from her future lifestyle, factoring in details like taxes, changing status for children as they age, etc.

Support lifelong wealth management

Not only will I take your client’s post-divorce calls off your plate, I’ll also hold their hand, giving them a lifetime of sound wealth management.

A quick call is a great way to start. Let’s say hello. No obligations.

Bridge Divorce Strategies Testimonials

“I highly recommend Julie’s services.”

“Julie is able to help my clients focus and plan so that I can get them the outcome that will benefit them the most in the long term.”

“I have known Julie for many years and can say I like her and respect her, and more than that I trust her to put her clients’ interests first and foremost.”

“I’ve referred several clients to Julie Kern at Bridge Divorce Strategies… My clients have had nothing but great things to say…”